Thursday, March 19, 2009

Sorry for Disappearing

To be honest, when I started this blog I thought that I would have more to write about...or should I say, more TIME to write about breastfeeding. But don't give up on me yet (if there are mom's out there checking in with me...otherwise, I'm telling and reminding just myself).

My disappearing act means that things in the nursing department are going well and just flowing naturally so I really haven't taken the time to think about how things are. This is not to say that I don't have lots of little moments of gratitude for the fact that my, now one year old, is still enjoying this time with me as well as benefiting from human milk. Something that I'm so happy my body is able to give her.

Something that I wasn't sure would happen so smoothly with this one because we still have those days where she's not interested in stopping to nurse. Her life is just TOO interesting and she's on the constant move keeping up with her sister. Often during the day we have little struggles with each one another to get her to settle into my lap for milk, but the night time nursing seems to be a favorite. (We are working on the night waking by having daddy put her to sleep after a good long nurse and not always MOM.) Then, on other days, it can happen that she wants milk at the most inconvenient times (checking out at grocery store, when I'm having a serious conversation with a someone, maybe a man that I'm just not sure about nursing around, or of course-in the car as I'm driving.) All these things I can live with though, and I'm pleased that I now have a little one year old that still comes to mama for milk.

On the other side of it, I'm also grateful that my body is healthy and continuing to produce the milk for my girl. I still have to remind myself that drinking water all day is going to help this. How can something as simple as drinking what be hard to remember?? The same way that it's hard for the little one to settle down and drink when there is just so much to DO!

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